
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Best and Easiest Cinnamon Rolls

Well...I take back the title.  Maybe not the easiest.  I guess the easiest would be the ones you pop out of the can and throw on a cookie sheet.

These take a BIT more effort, but not by much.  As an added bonus you can claim to have made them yourself.  Shh...I won't tell anyone about the can o'biscuits.

So here are the ingredients you need for the rolls.

A can of biscuits.  I used these because, well, that is what was in my fridge this morning.   
Cinnamon sugar. (I mixed 3tablespoons sugar, and a 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon.)
Melted butter. (This is 3 tablespoons.  I had some left over when finished.)

1. Open the rolls and  place on a fat surface.  I used a cutting board.

2.  Roll out with a glass.  You don't have to make them super thin, but the thinner, the more surface area for the sugar mixture.

3.  Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with the cinnamon sugar mixture.

4.  Roll the biscuits into logs.  And cut into 4 pieces.  I cut them in halves and then cut those in half.
5.  Place the pieces on a cookie sheet. I put them close, but not too close.  Judging by the rolls I used I knew they would expand.  So I didn't want them to be overcrowded.

 6.  Bake in a 350degree oven for about 15minutes.  Keep an eye on them.
While waiting...drink your coffee.

Yeah.  Cookie Monster.  Don't judge me!

7.  While drinking your coffee mix up the glaze topping.
1 cup powdered sugar
2 tablespoons milk (any kind)
1 teaspoon vanilla/almond extract
I skipped the extract because I had flavored milk.  Turned out yummy still.

8.  When rolls our done remove from oven.

9.  Pour glaze on top. (Beware of following pictures.  Do not lick your screen.  Or do.  Whatever.)

10.  Serve immediately.
11.  ENJOY!!!


  1. I made these last week after Sarah gave me the recipe and they are AMAZING!
